Finding Our Way Forward in the Aftermath of Violence

I was feeling grumpy about a minor inconvenience when I heard the tragic news out of Uvalde, Texas. And this on the heels of the horrific hate crime in Buffalo on Saturday... As a mom, I just wanted to pull my babies close and weep for the parents who were learning that they would never get to do that again. As a therapist, I want to have open office hours for all the grief and...

Hello, Anger

Anger is everywhere. From a brain perspective, it makes sense. Stress has been high these past couple of years. Our brains and bodies don’t automatically recognize the difference between physical danger and feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or anxious. Maybe that’s why signs like this have been popping up, a gentle reminder not to let our stress and anger bubble over onto others! Unfortunately, being kind doesn’t solve everything. Don’t get me wrong…kindness matters! But there’s still...

Supporting Families – Foster Care Awareness Month and Beyond

Based on the original article "Using a Brain-Based Foundation for Preparing and Supporting Families," featured in NACAC's quarterly newsletter, Adoptalk I have worked in the world of foster care and adoption since 2004. One of the most heart-breaking parts of my work has been seeing everyone trying, I mean really trying, and feeling like a failure. It happens with all members of the community: kids, parents, professionals. I am guessing you can relate. My world...

The Brain-Building Power of “Serve and Return”

To my nerdy little heart’s delight… It’s Brain Awareness Week!!! Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research. I have seen time and time again just how profoundly life can change when we apply a little user-friendly brain science, so I want to share that with YOU!! Brain science essentials to make your life easier… Let’s start with this podcast episode where I talk...