Enough and Not Enough

Since we are digging in to the world of adoption this month, I want to share a conversation I’ve had with all members of the adoption triad... I’ve seen how powerful it is when adoptive parents in particular can embrace this tension, that you are enough, whole, loved, lovely, capable, and precious....  And yet you can’t be everything that your child by adoption needs. You’re set up for failure if that’s your goal.  Your kiddos...

Why Does a Bear Have Elephant Parents?

This is a common question after reading Riley the Brave to a group of children, and it opens the door to wonderful conversations about diversity and the many ways to make a family.  You might talk about skin tone or hair color.  You can incorporate grandparents, foster parents, and families with step parents. So many possibilities, BUT...I remember how awkward I felt trying to figure out how to talk about this stuff when I first...